Why has e92social been updated?
We aim to bring you the best platforms and services that we can and we have worked long and hard to make sure that e92social doesn’t only exceed our standards but also yours. We wanted to make it easier to use and more personal.
In this new update you should see how much traction each post gets and also monthly updates of your top 10 posts!
Will my old password still be valid?
No – your old password will no longer be valid. This is due to fact that we have made logging in and signing up much easier, you now only need to log in with your social media accounts. However, if you wish to continue to login with your work email then you are welcome to do so, you will just need to create a new password.
Why do I need to fill out all my information again?
Due to the fact that we have updated e92social, we also want to make sure that all of our information is up-to-date and can be used to verify your account upon sign-in or registration.
What will you do with my personal information?
We will only ever use your work email to contact you. Any other information is only directly related to your role (such as company name, job title, etc.), and displayed in the Account setting of e92social. We do not store any social media passwords or credentials, or have administrative access to those accounts, we simply use their API to login you in and post content, and then pull in information to provide you with reporting. If you have any questions about this, you can email us at [email protected], and you can read our Privacy Policy here
What has happened to my old social posts?
Due to the update of e92social, we no longer have access to any posts older than 31st of December 2018. You should still be able to see all the posts that you have posted on the social media accounts they were sent to.